YOUR Tower Farming FAQ

This is a culmination of our experience, Tower Farms Official, and all the help we've received from fellow Tower Farmers around the world. We are on a mission, and we look forward to seeing you there...

The first question we are often asked is, what is a Tower Farm? A Tower Farm is a method of vertical farming which used patented aeroponic technology from the Tower Garden company. 

Tower Farms exist all over the world, from the deserts of the Middle East to our frozen winter wonderland in Montreal, Quebec Canada. Jardin Vertical was the first commercial Tower Farm in Canada and the first CEA Tower Farm in the world to use high efficiency LED lighting. 

We are also often asked, what is a Jardin Vertical? It simply means vertical garden in French. 

The following FAQ is an in-depth overview of Tower Farms and Tower Garden functions. Please do not hesitate to contact us with further questions. Happy Farming Everyone! 😊

Frequently Asked Questions:

Tower Farms are modular by design and can be configured as follows:

Standard Towers:

28 plants per tower • 1.8 m/71 inches in height • 7 stackable modular sections

36 plants per tower • 2.1 m/83 inches in height • 9 stackable modular sections

44 plants per tower • 2.5 m/98.5 inches in height • 11 stackable modular sections

52 plants per tower • 2.9 m/114 inches in height • 13 stackable modular sections

High Density Towers:

100 plants per tower • 1.8 m/71 inches height • 13 stackable modular sections

132 plants per tower • 2.1 m/83 inches in height • 17 stackable modular sections

164 plants per tower • 2.5 m/(height) • 21 stackable modular sections

196 plants per tower • 2.9 m (height) • 25 stackable modular sections

  • The basin reservoir is 14.25” high and measures 29” in diameter. It also features a float valve and a drain valve as part of the automated irrigation system.
  • Regular tower pots are 7.5” high, 8.6” in diameter with 4 planting ports per pot.
  • High-Density tower pots are 3.75” high, 8.6” in diameter and feature 8 planting ports per pot.
  • Each tower is equipped with a 45 W submersible pump. Outdoors it will operate on a cycle of 3 minutes on and 12 minutes off, in a continuous cycle 24/7. That is a total of 4.8 hours of electricity usage per day. Indoors the pump only operates 5 minutes every 45 minutes, therefore even less electricity used per day. 
  • The inside of the tower is supported by stainless steel rods.

The price per standard tower in USD:

  • 28 plants per tower • 71” (height) • 7 stackable modular sections = $525
    • 36 plants per tower • 83” (height) • 9 stackable modular sections = $560
    • 44 plants per tower • 98.5” (height) • 11 stackable modular sections = $600
    • 52 plants per tower • 114” (height) • 13 stackable modular sections = $635

High-density towers in USD:

  • 112 plants per tower • 71” (height) • 14 stackable modular sections. = $565
    • 144 plants per tower • 83” (height) • 18 stackable modular sections = $610
    • 176 plants per tower • 98.5” (height) • 22 stackable modular sections = $655
    • 208 plants per tower • 114” (height) • 26 stackable modular sections = $700

Quantity discount levels available for all clients:

  • 50 to 99 towers: 4% discount
  • 100 to 299 towers: 7% discount
  • 300 to 999 towers: 10% discount
  • 1000+ towers: 15% discount

Automated Tower Farms feature an irrigation system that automatically delivers water and nutrients to the towers as needed. It is fully automated and very simple to assemble and operate.

Irrigation systems can vary in price depending on several factors.  Here are three common examples. When you submit your specific request, we can customize your needs to any configuration. 

  • $1750 for 10 towers
  • $2500 for 50 towers
  • $4000 for 100 to 150 towers 
  • More than 150 tower please submit a request.


Nutrients currently cost (Nov. 2023) $360 USD and will last approximately 6 months in a 30 tower configuration. The average is around $1 to $2 per tower, per month. This of course depends on several factors. 

The final number of towers fitting in a container depends on the size of the towers ordered:

20 foot container, towers only:

– 150 towers (28 plants per tower/7 pots)
– 125 towers (36 plants per tower/9 pots)
– 110 towers (44 plants per tower/11 pots)
– 90 towers (52 plants per tower/13 pots)

20 foot container; full turnkey package including irrigation system fertilizers for one year, seedling supplies etc:

– 135 towers (28 plants per tower/7 pots)
– 100 towers (36 plants per tower/9 pots)
– 90 towers (44 plants per tower/11 pots)
– 70 towers (52 plants per tower/13 pots)

40 foot container, towers only:

– 300 towers (28 plants per tower/7 pots)
– 250 towers (36 plants per tower/9 pots)
– 220 towers (44 plants per tower/11 pots)
– 180 towers (52 plants per tower/13 pots)

40 foot container, full turnkey package including irrigation system, fertilizers for one year, seedling supplies etc:

– 250 towers (28 plants per tower/7 pots)
– 210 towers (36 plants per tower/9 pots)
– 180 towers (44 plants per tower/11 pots)
– 145 towers (52 plants per tower/13 pots)

The number of towers that can fit in a container also depends on the accessories ordered. For example: support cages, propagation benches, initial stock of nutrients, etc.

Please contact your Tower Farm representative to personally customize your Tower Farm.

All prices quoted above do not include shipping!

The minimum number of towers for a commercial Tower Farm order is 10 towers.

The fully automated commercial Tower Farm system includes: nutrient delivery system, electrical connection system for pumps, the pumps, gravity system, all necessary tubing, fittings, valves and connections. 

Your commercial Tower Farm system is a turnkey package and is easy to assemble.

We deliver our aeroponic Tower Farm systems with the fully automated irrigation system, supplying water and nutrients to each tower.

For example, a tower growing strawberries or tomatoes will require more water and nutrients than a tower growing parsley. The system automatically delivers this difference in direct needs. 

Our irrigation system automates the entire process, regardless of the number of towers.

The minimum number of towers for a Tower Farm is 10 towers (see FAQ #3). The only way to truly test our technology on a commercial level is by using the towers in combination with the automated irrigation system. This precisely supplies the water and nutrient solution to each tower as needed. Any less of a test would not be relevant and could produce inferior results.

Nutrients are sold in bulk (1 set of nutrients will supply roughly 30 towers for a period of 6 months, or 10 towers for 18 months). This quantity of nutrients would be unnecessary for only 1 or 2 towers. Our proprietary nutrient solution is key to our technology.

Likewise, Tower Farm systems have been tested and proven for more than a decade. They have succeeded in all climates around the globe. We are not in the testing phase or R&D; the technology is proven.

In the world of aeroponic vertical farming, Tower Garden was the pioneer of such technology over a decade ago. It is not a “cheap, made in China, tower”. It is a commercial grade product built to last for decades. 

Our Tower Farm systems are being used by over 100,000+ customers and hundreds of profitable commercial Tower Farms worldwide.

The “bread and butter” for most Tower Farmers is leafy greens and aromatic/medicinal herbs. With that said, over 150 different crops can be grown successfully using our aeroponic tower technology and nutrient solution. 

When it comes to farming vertically indoors, the overhead cost is calculated based on each square foot of operation. Therefore, growing cucumbers for example, might not be the most valuable crop considering the amount of space they will need. 

Leafy greens and herbs grow within the radius of the tower reservoir. This means more towers fit within a specific area in comparison to big tomatoes plants, cucumbers, or any other vine related crop. A Tower Farm in a CEA environment is about reducing water usage while increasing the crop yield by optimizing the amount of space you have.

When considering growing tomatoes, cucumbers, beans or eggplants, there are other agricultural technologies which can compare to our towers in terms of crop yield and quality.

However, when it comes to growing leafy greens and herbs (aromatic or medicinal), we are in a league of our own! No other agricultural approach can compare to our aeroponic tower technology. With an incredible level of superior crop yield, our “leafy greens” feature a scientifically proven increase in nutrition density, antioxidant activity, as well as in phenolic values. This all translates into healthier, tastier, more fragrant, and stronger textured plants.

There are many factors to consider when measuring yield; growing system, crop selection, weather, seeding rate, and other many, many other factors. In good growing conditions lettuce, herbs, and leafy greens will have an average yield of 100g to 175 g per port, per 21-28 day growing cycle. The yield for fruiting vegetables like cucumbers and tomatoes depends on the variety and season. 

Here are the average crop yields which are posted by True Garden and Agrotonomy. We at Jardin Vertical were able to replicate many of these yields in our CEA Tower Farm. Please contact us for further information. 

– Tomato cherries: up to 12 to 15 plants per tower maximum = 20 to 40 pounds per plant depending on the variety.

– Tomatoes “regular/ big size” up to 12 to 15 plants per tower maximum = 40 to 50 pounds per plant depending on the variety.

– Cucumbers: 15/20 plants per tower. A cucumber can vary between 100 g (or less) and 250 g. We can harvest about 15-30 cucumbers per plant (many more depending on variety, i.e. lemon cucumbers and other specialty varieties).

– Strawberries: 52 plants per tower. Depending on varieties, we have experienced from 100 g to 2.5 pounds per plant (whether we are growing wild strawberries varieties or large fruit varieties).

– Bell peppers: up to 20 plants recommended per tower maximum = up to 6 -8 pounds per plant depending on the variety.

– Eggplants: up to 15 to 18 plants recommended per tower maximum = 6 to 10 pounds per plant depending on the variety.

– Leafy green and herbs: 52 plants per tower. From 150g to 200g every 3 weeks . Once again, it all depends on the crop: it takes much longer for basil than it does for arugula… depending on varieties, harvest cycles vary from 14 days to 60 days with harvest cycles every 3 weeks on average.

Once again, the crop yield of a plant will depend on the quality of the seeds, the variety, the growing conditions (light, humidity, temperature, air circulation, elevation, EMFs, etc.).

Here we publish a comparative scientific study titled:

“Assessment of Total Phenolic and Flavonoid Content, Antioxidant Properties, & Yield of Aeroponically and Conventionally Grown Leafy Vegetables and Fruit Crops. A Comparative study”.

As irrefutably proven throughout this extensive scientific comparative research, Tower Garden® aeroponic commercial systems produce 35% to 50% crop yield increase in comparison to soil-based farming and conventional hydroponics.

Absolutely! To become a Tower Farm reseller you must first build, own, and operate a successful Tower Farm. We can help you achieve this goal. Please contact us for more information.

Tower Garden is modular in size and can be configured as follows:

Regular crops:

– 5 Pots (20 plants per Tower Garden) – 55” high.
– 7 Pots (28 plants per Tower Garden) – 71” high.
– 9 Pots (36 plants per Tower Garden) – 83” high.
– 11 Pots (44 plants per Tower Garden) – 98.5” high.
– 13 Pots (52 plants per Tower Garden) – 114” high.

High Density:

– 13 Pots (100 plants per Tower Garden) – 71” high.
– 17 Pots (132 plants per Tower Garden) – 83” high.
– 21 Pots (164 plants per Tower Garden) – 98.5” high.
– 25 Pots (196 plants per Tower Garden) – 114” high.

Most Tower Farmers use the “standard” 11 pots (44 plants) model. The towers are designed for outdoor use and do not need to be in a greenhouse. But local weather conditions will dictate how tall you can go. 

Agrotonomy, for example uses the 11 pots (44 plants), model outdoors. They report that even standing at 8 feet high, in stormy conditions, the towers will sway back and forth but will not fall. “It is impressive to witness how resilient these commercial aeroponic towers are throughout rough weather conditions.” 

King Tower Farm in the Philippines uses 9 pots (36 plants) model. With their high winds and typhoon conditions, this is the highest recommend model.

When inside a greenhouse like at Altius Farms, or a CEA like Jardin Vertical, to optimize the crop yield per square foot, you can use the 13 pot (52 plants) tower model since the towers will not be affected by the wind. In a CEA the only limiting factor would be ceiling height. 

On a rooftop, depending on the amount of wind/height of the building, we recommend the 7 pots (28 plants) model.

The high-density towers follow the same guidelines in terms of size recommendations.

Please be aware of the following:

– The 13 pots (52 plants) model is the same height as its counterpart, the 25 pots (196 plants) high-density tower!

– The 11 pots (44 plants) model is the same height as its counterpart, the 21 pots (164 plants) high-density tower!

– The 9 pots (36 plants) model is the same height as its counterpart, the 17 pots (144 plants) high-density tower!

– The 7 pots (28 plants) model is the same height as its counterpart, the 14 pots (132 plants) high-density tower!

The recommended size of the towers also depends on the crops being grown. For example, on a 13 pots tower, all 52 planting ports can be used to grow leafy greens or aromatic herbs. However, when growing eggplants, a shorter tower (9 pots/7pots) is better due to the weight of the fruit.

Some tower farmers use the 11 pots/44 plants outdoors 6 to 8 months out of the year (from spring to fall) and shorten the towers to 7 or 5 pots to use them with the LED light kits indoors in the winter.

Even indoors, like inside the Orlando convention center, a Tower Farm can thrive with towers configured with 11 pots (44 plants) with the appropriate artificial lights.

Within a school environment involving young children, we recommend the 5 pots (20 plants) which or the 7 pots (28 plants). Both sizes can accommodate the LED light kit manufactured by Tower Garden®. 

Of course, if we are talking about a Tower Farm for the cafeteria of a University like the one at UCLA, there is no size limitation.

In the educational market, the size of the towers depend on the age of the children, the facilities, and whether the towers are being used for educational purpose or to produce crops as a commercial Tower Farm (to feed the school).

Prior to selling a fully automated aeroponic Tower Farm system, we always consult with our customers to define the best tower size strategy for each project.

However, considering that Tower Garden aeroponic towers are modular in size and can be used indoors or outdoors, the possibilities are endless!

The High-Density Tower by Tower Garden was originally designed to grow baby greens. But is now widely used to grow “petite vegetables” wheatgrass and certain herbs.

Scientific tests on crops grown on a Tower Garden often show an increase in nutrient density. Therefore, people using wheatgrass therapeutically should consider wheatgrass grown on a High-Density Tower by Tower Garden.

Agrotonomy has reported: “High-Density Towers should be renamed “Strawberry Towers”! In fact, recent tests rank these towers as the only viable aeroponic tower solution to grow strawberries commercially. If you’re thinking about growing strawberries, these are the towers to do so!”

Whether you use rockwool or coco coir, there is no need for a planting basket nor a clip in the High Density tower. This further facilitates the planting process.

Like the regular towers, the High-Density Towers are sectioned as follows:

  • 13 Pots (100 planting ports) – 71” high
  • 17 Pots (132 planting ports) – 83” high
  • 21 Pots (164 planting ports) – 98.5” high
  • 25 Pots (196 planting ports) – 114” high

Indoors, with the Commercial LED light kit designed by Tower Garden, you can grow using the following High-Density Tower model:

  • 21 Pots (164 planting ports) – 2.5 m high

Indoors, with the Commercial LED light kit designed by Tower Garden, you can grow using the following High-Density Tower model:

  • 13 Pots (100 planting ports) – 1.4 m high 

Within a CEA environment, in a climate-controlled greenhouse, we advise using the maximum size/height: 25 Pots (196 planting ports) – 114” high to optimize space.

We recommend Tower Farms to have a ratio of roughly 10 to 1 Standard Towers vs High Density. So, a Tower Farm with 100 towers would have 90 standard towers and 10 high density.

Rates will depend on your local rates and can vary dramatically from region to region. But let’s take for example of a Tower Farm featuring 10 towers and the electrical rate of $0.10 per kWh:

– 45 watts per pump x 4.8 hours per day (3 minutes on, 12 minutes off) multiplied by the number of Towers = total wattage/day

– So, 45 x 4.8 x 10 = 2,160 watts = 2.16 kW per day multiplied by the local electrical rates.

– With a common rate of $.10 per kWh in the USA, a 10 Tower Farm would use 2.16 x .10 = $0.216 per day, or $6.48 per month.

On average, about 1 gallon (3.79 liters) of water per day, per Tower.

Tower Farms use a proprietary nutrient ionic mineral solution which has been specifically formulated for our towers. Unlike most commercial fertilizers in commercial hydroponic fertilizer blends, we are not adding fillers, dyes, nor binding agents. We simply blend raw pure mineral salts in water to have our nutrient solution. 

The 100% natural nutrient solution is the most unique mineral-based nutrient solution ever formulated. Contrary to most conventional hydroponic farming where a different nutrient mixture is needed for almost each crop, our aeroponic mineral nutrient solution can be used for all vegetables, herbs, fruits, and flowers grown in our towers.

Aside from the purity of the minerals used to make our nutrient blend, our nutrient solution’s uniqueness truly lays in the fact that only one single nutrient solution is needed to grow all crops! The same nutrient solution is used to grow leafy greens, aromatic herbs, flowers, or strawberries!

Our mineral solution has also been specially formulated to support the highly oxygenated environment in Tower Farms. It has also been designed for use in the seedling growing process, thus creating healthier plants.

Here you can read the scientific comparative study 

for crop yield and nutrient density published by the University of Mississippi. This non-biased University study tested and compared over 160 different crops grown on our towers against the best equivalent produce resulting from organic farming (soil-based). The results are staggering! Our crop yield is 35 to 50% superior to soil-based organic farming. In most cases, we have an average ranging from 30% to 65% nutrient density increase. Our vegetables are better…much better: this is not an advertising slogan, but something that has been prove scientifically!

Other high quality hydroponic nutrient formulas can be used in a Tower Farm. Many Tower Farm operators have performed comparative tests in the past. To date, no one has ever found a better nutrient formula than Tower Garden’s proprietary Tower Farm nutrient solution.

A set of dry nutrients will make an average of 15,000 gallons of finished solution at the full rate (example 1:200). The rate can be much lower, for example 1:400 in warmer climates. Nutrients cost about $1.50 to $2 per tower, per month. This of course is relevant to a number of factors; crops, climatic conditions, outdoors vs. greenhouse, etc.

The Tower Farm automated irrigation system has been designed to supply the needed water and nutrients to each individual tower, regardless of the number of towers involved. For example, a tower growing strawberries will need much more water and nutrients than a tower growing lettuce. The Tower Farm irrigation system automates the entire process.

A Tower Farm irrigation system consists of the following essentials:

  • Nutrient A mixing and storage container 
  • Nutrient B mixing and storage container
  • Gravity tank 
  • Dosatron automatic dosing system (automatically mixes A and B with fresh water)                                                                                   
  • Manifolds 
  • Float valves for each tower
  • Flush valves for each tower
  • Submersible pumps for each tower
  • All tubing, fittings, ¼ turn valves etc. to supply water and nutrients 

Depending on your installation the amount of space can be slightly adjusted, but the general rule of thumb is approximately 20 ft.² per tower. This will include enough space for the towers, the dosing station, aisle spacing, and the propagation area. There are several other factors to consider, and Jardin Vertical is here to support you the entire concept and design process!

Absolutely!! Jardin Vertical was the first CEA Tower Farm (controlled environment agriculture) Tower Farm in the world to use high efficiency LED lighting. There are a few options available, and we can help you navigate those options. 

Smaller Tower Farms (less than 50 towers) can be equipped with commercial LED lighting kits manufactured by Tower Gardens®.

The Tower Farm LED light kits are designed for 11-pot towers (44 plants) and each kit comes with 3 fixtures per tower.

The commercial LED light kits can also work for 9-pot towers (36 plants). 

Please note though that the commercial LED light kit is not recommended for 13 pot towers. 

Each fixture is made up of 2 sections totaling 7.9 feet (2400 mm).

3 fixtures per commercial tower.

Technical Specs:

All Tower Farms come with a newly updated, step-by-step assembly and installation instruction manual. The entire system is very simple to install and operate. We offer on-site training to larger commercial Tower Farms of 100 towers or more. This on-site training often is free depending on location, and access most of lower Canada. Please contact us for more information regarding the cost relating to your global farm position. Smaller farms may purchase on-site training of so desired.   

Once the Tower Farm has arrived, we will provide 2 days of consultation and supervision. This includes ensuring that the system is properly assembled, seeding, nutrient explanation, and more. It is possible that a CEA Tower Farm would need further on-site training and it will be billed per day as necessary. Please contact us for further information. 

We were the first commercial Tower Farm in Canada and the first CEA Tower Farm in the world to use LED lighting. Tower Farms have now been established across the globe, in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa South America. We are not just resellers of the Tower Farm technology by Tower Garden. At Jardin Vertical we are experienced tower farmers! We operated a commercial Tower Farm for 2 years before becoming international resellers of Tower Garden aeroponic vertical farming technology.

Yes! From the initial design and concept to your first harvest, we are there for you! Once you have a specific location confirmed, you will need to provide basic details of your growing space. From there we will be able to provide a FREE detailed CAD drawing for your specific project. 

As an example, below is a layout for a Tower Farm featuring 150 towers in 3,000 ft.² CEA.

This is a very good question and one of the most important concerning a Tower Farm system. We know it can save up to 95% water and 90% less space, while dramatically reducing the risks of pests and disease! But more importantly from a business aspect, a Tower Garden® Farm also requires 80% less labor in comparison to soil-based farming. In certain greenhouse conditions, one individual can manage up to 100 towers. That is 5,200 plants!

Small Tower Farms do not require training services in person. Tower Garden Ltd. provides a very comprehensive step-by-step instruction manual. Tower Garden technology is user-friendly and does not require previous experience. However, for large-scale Tower Farm projects involving commercial production, we strongly advise you to get full training. Please contact us for further information.

Tower Garden Ltd. offers the same discounts for everyone and does not make special exceptions for charities or schools. However, many local municipalities often help with the initial cost associated with social projects.

Aeroponics is a branch of hydroponics. Although unique, aeroponic farming relies on water and soluble nutrients just like conventional hydroponics.

However, in conventional hydroponics the roots are constantly submerged in a constant flow of water enhanced with insufflated oxygen and soluble fertilizers.

With aeroponics the roots of the plants simply hang in the air. Since the roots have 100% oxygen availability and the delivery of nutrients to the plant is unparalleled the plants grow faster, taste better and have a higher yield. The plants receive water and nutrients a total of 15 minutes per hour. The roots are simply hanging in the air at least 75% of the time! Thriving in a highly oxygenated environment without a substrate, without water, and without soil; this is what defines aeroponics!

Some might argue that this is not a true aeroponic system because it does not use High Pressure or Low Pressure misting. This would be like saying that an electric car is not a car, because it does not have a gasoline engine… 

Scientific comparative testing has proven that crops grown on Tower Garden aeroponic systems feature a superior nutrient density and show an increase in antioxidant and phenolic values. Furthermore, aeroponics delivers on average 35% increase in crop yield and 40% water savings in comparison to conventional hydroponics.

From the small residential model of the Home Tower Garden, or the 10’ giants found in some commercial Tower Farms, these towers are truly aeroponic towers!

Tower Garden manufactured hundreds of thousands of aeroponic towers for over a decade. Tower Garden technology was the first aeroponic tower on the market, originally named Future Growing Systems. Tower Garden is the pioneer of aeroponic tower technology and commercial Tower Farm systems.

Tower Garden is made from the safest high-end UV-stabilized, BPA-free, food-grade PC/ABS proprietary plastic formula available on Earth today.

The high-quality resins used by Tower Garden are compliant with both U.S. Food and Drug Administration guidelines for food contact and European guidelines for Restriction of Hazardous Substances. The material is also completely opaque; keeping light out, inhibiting algae growth.

The PC/ABS which has been engineered for the manufacturing of Tower Garden has been successfully tested for chemical leaching all the way to the nanoparticle.

Although technically our proprietary PC/ABS is considered to be plastic, Tower Garden is the only soilless-food growing-system which has been approved for LEED projects (LEED: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design). In fact, Tower Garden has been approved for LEED projects due to the durability of the material used to build the towers, in conjunction with the low energy and high crop yield of our technology.

Our PC/ABS proprietary formula is the safest plastic ever engineered for agricultural-related equipment.

Some Tower Farms around the world have been using the same towers for more than 10 years. The life span of Tower Garden is unparalleled in the hydroponics/aeroponics industry. No other company in our industry uses a PC/ABS material that is as safe, as thick, or as durable.

Please contact us to start your aeroponic journey today.

Happy farming everyone 😊

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